Sunday, 23 June 2019

Treadhead week - WW2 British Armour

Over the past year I have hoarded numerous armour kits from a variety of manafacturers. This week I am going to focus on assembling them as a break from regiments of Prussians! Hopefully the air brush bought last year will also get it's first run out. Priority is to fill the Sherman and Churchill tank troops. Then the wheeled recce troop.

Kits include:

1. Churchill Tanks (1× Warlord plastic & 1x Blitzkrieg resin NA75)
2. Sherman V (2 x Warlord plastic, one a S and S dozer blade)
3. M3 Halftracks ( 2 x Warlord plastic)
4. MK II Lloyd Carrier ( 2 x Warlord resin)
5. Preying mantis ( Butler printed models)
6. Comet (Warlord Resin)
7. AEC Armoured Car (Blitzkrieg resin)
8. Staghound AA (Blizkrieg resin)
9. Humber Armoured Cars (Warlord resin)
10. Bofors AA gun (Warlord metal)
11. CMP 15cwt truck (Rubicon plastic)
12. Humber utility car (Anyscale models)

  • Also there is still work to do on the existing armoured force including detailing, weathering, transfers and trying to get some consistancy in style and look.

On completion of this, I only see myself doing conversions for niche RE, REME and RA vehicles, oddities and filling various holes in the force which should be able to cover the NW Europe campaign from D Day through to the Rhine Crossing; Berlin or Bust!
Warlord Sherman with an Urban Construct mine flail kit to create a Sherman Crab. Needs weathering.

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