Thursday, 20 June 2019

Belated Waterloo Day

So I know it is two days late, however I was able to mark the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo appropriately with some form of remembrance as well as re-watching a few old favorites on TV to mark the event.

 In 2015 I had the privileged of visiting the Musee de l'armee in Paris. The Waterloo exhibition element is very poignant with a very sombre artifact on display, a Cuirassiers breast plate with a 9lb cannon ball hole punched through it.

British 9lb cannon with Congreve block trails from the period outside Old College at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. This photo was taken straight after my commissioning parade way back in 2001.

 Sharpe's Waterloo from 1997. It tries hard but its budget was too small and lacked the sheer scale of manpower of the actual battle, a few inaccuracies rankle but that can be forgiven for the presence ot the main character.
 Waterloo from 1970. This film is a work of art with the massive size of the cast, demonstrating the extent of the actual battle. The defeat of the Imperial Guard seems improbable in the ending but in spite of that, this film could not be remade for want of the qauntity of extras required.

War & Peace from 2017. Not Waterloo, but an excellent and accurate representation especially Austerlitz and Borodino. This production has set a bar.

Vanity Fair from 2018. This one is odd as I am yet to make it past the first episode as the style of the film despite of being set in the Napoleonic period seemed to have been modernized in a tongue in cheek fashion. One day I will watch the Waterloo section!

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