Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Treadhead week - WW2 British Armour, Part II

So this is a mid week catch up on the armour project, so far so good. Only one kit lefy assemble, a M3 Half track.

As a side project, I created a scenic base board to photograph completed models on. This was a lump of old hard board modified with polyfilla, basing sand and static grass. Hopefully that will improve photographs on this blog. Now I need to source a back scene for it.

 So a discussion on the kits....

 Butler printed models preying mantis. The print lines are a bit deep for my taste and the chassis detail is a bit sparse. Like the prototype, the centre of gravity means it tips over! This will need weighting to prevent this. Very quirky prototype.
 Warlord Games late war Bofors 40mm cannon. This was a pig to assemble and needed shims building for the out riggers made from plastic card. However it looks amazing when assembled.
 Warlord Games Lloyd Mk II carriers, simple, detailed and very easy to assemble. Going to be used as tows for the 6pdrs.
 Warlord Games Churchill. Already discussed in a kit review on this blog, an easy build. Blittzkreigs resin offering is just as detailed and very quick to put together. It is a bit thinner than the plastic Warlord tank. No cleaning up needed on the resin.

 Warlord Games plastic Sherman Vs. Quick and detailed builds. My favorite of their plastic kits.
 S & S Dozer blade was simple to attach and makes for a mean looking model when mounted on the Sherman V.
 Clearly Warlord have changed their kit as it is larger than the previous plastic kit. New kit to the left, old in the centre and a Rubicon M4 on the right. The new kit scales well against Rubicons. As you can see, some of my 'completed' armour needs finishing off fully.
Another side project is to complete three of these DD tank skirts by Urban Constructs to allow beach and river crossings.

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