Sunday, 21 April 2019

Trench terrain

Managed to get a terrain project nearly finished! This was a prototype trench section, I intend to do more to fit the length of a six foot table. Using principles from my favorite terrain building book, the now sadly out of print How to build wargames terrain by GW, I attempted to use bits of domestic waste for the build.

The starting point was hard board packing from a furniture box. I then used polystyrene packing glued to that base to form a rough outline of the trench. These were then cut back at a slight angle. Sections of corrugated sheet Slaters plastikard were glued in to form the revetment. Plastikard angle sections were then glued on top to restrain the sheets. The polystyrene was then covered in polyfilla. The front facing side of the trench had Renedra sandbags glued in to form a parapet. Using card robbed from a cornflakes packet, I cut them it into thin strips and glued it into the bottom of the trench to simulate duck boards. The model was then coated in sand gravel mix and PVA to fix it. Painted and inked in acrylic paints.

Very happy how the trench turned out, this can be used for WW1, WW2 and possibly Cold War Warsaw Pact trenches. Now to build five more sections and some gun pits!

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