Saturday, 6 April 2019

Salute 2019

Once again the annual pilgrimage was made to E16 at the Excel Centre. This year I met up with some wargamers from Romford and had a chilled walk around the exhibition.

Some of the stand out demo games photos are presented below. Dave Thomas was regretfully absent which meant the metal Perry Miniatures line was not available as well as Wargames Foundry not carrying their sizable Napoleonic line either, that said their stand is massive and good to see them continuing on the show circuit. Thankfully there were other traders in abundance too. Another good year from the South London Warlords.

The mandatory stash photo!

Notable purchases: Gangs of Rome, Bread & Circuses, Sarrisa precision's Ornate Trelis, Osprey Publishing's Rebels and Patriots, Urban Constructs Churchill Ark tank,Rubicons 20mm Okerlion cannons, TT Games Venice MDF buildings and Empress Miniatures late war Britiah infantry packs.

 Gringo 40s Gulf of Tonkin table

Friends of General Haig, Lutzen
 The Battle of Ligny
 WW2 Far East
 The Longbow Society, Hundred Years War
 To the Strongest, Romans vs Celts

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