Thursday, 20 July 2017

Armies on Parade 2 - The Continental Army

Part 2 of Armies on Parade is the other major protagonist of the American War of Independence, the Continental Army and Militia.

The collection as with the British/Loyalist force was started on the release of the Perry Twins AWI range whilst at the Foundry. These figures offered a respite from the endless regiments of scarlet being churned out with a proliferation of many uniform styles and color combinations. As you can see from the photo above, the army is much smaller that the British collection, this is now a focus to build up line Regiments as well as skirmishers to match.

The Spirit of '76 by Fife & Drum miniatures

Philadelphia Light horseman vignette converted from Eureka Miniatures French Revolutionary Range.

Continental Artillery, a mixture of Perry and Foundry miniatures.

24 Pdr Cannon siege train by Perry Miniatures. These can also be used with the British forces dependent on the scenario thankfully as the uniforms are 'undress' and generic. 

The Philadelphia Light Horse, possibly my most favorite unit for a number of reasons; chiefly due to ancestral founder member of the unit who served in the AWI and the fact the unit still survives and maintains its elite qualities and traditions to this present day as part of the National Guard. Figures by Foundry.

George Washington himself, alongside the Colours of the Continental Army. Figures by Foundry and Wargames Illustrated from the 'Moments in History' range. The beagles are based on a pair that a good friend of mine maintains!

New York Regiment, figures by Foundry.

The Pennsylvania Line.

 Webbs Additional Regiment. Built from a chance find from the flea market at Historicon in 2011. Figures by Old Glory and Foundry.

Militia Minutemen, by Foundry.

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