Sunday, 7 May 2017

Mad Bob Churchill Tank MkI

Doing anything hobby recently has been rather limited and haphazard due to the ramping up of my new job. This weeks installment is a review of the Mad Bob miniatures resin 1/56 scale Churchill Infantry Tank MkI/II.

'Mad' Bob Emerson makes a range of left of field resin models covering the more obscure or unpopular Armies of WW2.

The complete hit laid out. The majority of the smaller components are molded onto large resin sprues. The kit comes with both a hull mounted 3inch howitzer for the MkI and a besa machine gun for the MkII. The surface of the components is slightly rough from what I can guess was the surface of the master post digital print. 

    Comparison between the Warlord Games plastic Churchill kit and Mad Bobs resin. The resin hull is about 8mm shorter than that of the plastic kit. A little further apart and the difference is not noticable. 

 The real thing on exercise on Salisbury plain.

Side by side with Warlord Games plastic Churchill.

The completed kit painted and washed awaiting decals and weathering.

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