Sunday, 17 March 2019

Paint table Sunday

Managed to get some brush time and knocked out some Gangs of Rome characters including Marcus the Orator (you may recognise him from the HBO series Rome), a Domine, geese and a Mob base. The rest the Gangs of Rome collection was coated in Testors dull coat to protect them.

Friday, 15 March 2019

40k Imperial guard flashback

The other day I spent an hour or so in the loft re-boxing my collection. Part of this was re-boxing one of the very first armies I ever collected, 2nd edition Imperial Guard.

All rather nostalgic! The Army is based on the Perrys 2nd Edition Cadian Shock Troops. The Army is heavily mechanised with a full tank company. Most of the Army is heavily converted being inspired by WD220's Tsargrad article. Troops wear peas pattern camouflage whilst the tanks are in Ambush pattern cam. All rather WW2 Germanic.

My collection was previously on a thread on Commissar Proboards about ten years ago, here are some images from that period.

 Commisar doing a Blam!
 Heavy stubber crew conversion
 Leman Russ Conqueror tank conversion
 King Russ (Vanquisher) conversion
 Bombard conversion
 Chimera bridge layer conversion
 Tank company
The whole Army... okay I am a treadhead

Sunday, 10 March 2019


As part of the Gangs of Rome I acquired some of these new fangled Sarissa Precision MDF fountains and statue plinths. Assembly is very simple. I mounted on them a Foundry legate and a mounted Julius Ceasar model.

Then the paints came out. Starting with black undercoat, I dry brushed them in copper, dark gold, light gold then ran a wash of watered mint green. The result looks quite stunning. Very pleased with the result. I know the real statues of the day were painted on top of the bronze casting, however the weathered bronze effect renders them timeless.

I'm back!

It really has been a while. Alot of ground has been covered since last we met, chiefly the birth of my son and the crapness of the blogger app! More posts to follow as there is a fair bit to report.

The Prussian project has moved on... four line regiments, one Jager and two Landwher painted. Blucher and his command stand complete.Russian legion started.

Gangs of Rome. This is my new addiction! Love the miniatures, reminds me of the awesome HBO series 'Rome'. Amazed at the buildings by Sarrisa, my first dip into the world of MDF terrain and the resin from Irongate. Looking to do more of this in 2019.

Bolt action. Vehicle hoarding continues apace and even managed to get a game in although I was soundly thrashed by the SS

Blood red skies, bought a copy at Warlord Shop in Nottingham, impressed by both the models and game play.

Empire project. The oldhammer/middlehammer bug has struck.I have been hoarding three armies for nearly a decade that I previously played in my youth, being Empire, Dogs of War and Bretonnians. Have been filling the gaps in my collection recently and stock taking of which you can see some of the Empire hoarding.