Sunday, 12 February 2017

Paint Table Sunday

This week has been rather busy, so no block painting of Prussian foot. However I was able to complete the painting of the Warlord plastic Churchill with weathering. All that remains are transfers but as yet I am undecided as to which unit to theme it on.

Secondly I managed to scrape some time to paint some resin supply dump terrain by Anyscale models. These were quire easy to shade, ink and dry brush. These will make excellent objectives as well as to give an indication of my late war British Armies logistic tail.

Lastly I was able to convert a Eureka Miniatures dismounted dragoon vignette into a trooper of the Philadelphia Light Horse. The figure required a little trim with a needle file and sculpt with greenstuff to make coat tails and lapels.  Some pictures show the unit in Tarleton helmets. The horse furniture is still in French Hussar style so a little whimsical for the AWI period. Overall I am rather pleased how the vignette turned out.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Paint table Sunday

This week I have mostly been painting Warlord Games 28mm plastic Prussian Landwher. The scults can be a bit repetitive but take paint well, so ideal for batch painting. 24 figures painted as the 4th Silesian Regiment. Based for Shako in eights on 40mm x 60mm bases.

I shall finish off the remaining figures when I purchase the command pack at Salute.